And then along comes ClevaDesk
Let me introduce ClevaDesk – it is a new platform for business applications and you can quickly and easily build a real management system with it.
Do I need programmers for it? No you don’t, just desire and a little time!
With ClevaDesk any company can automate standard and non-standard business processes. We know that companies are often faced with the fact that well-known and popular enterprise systems do not solve many problems of the enterprise. Using ClevaDesigner , you can quickly create and run your business applications.
In this blog we will respond to frequently asked questions, describe examples of using ClevaDesigner and share rewarding experiences.
For many people such terms as: EDS, CRM, ECM, HRM, BPM, Lotus Notes / Domino and many others mean nothing. In this blog we will talk about complex things in simple language.
We are waiting for your questions and open to exchange opinions and constructive criticism.
We are glad to see you!
Best regards,
CleavDesk team.